Ritesh Kumar on the challenges of selling software to Indian SMEs | TranZact
If the make in India dream is to come true, Indian manufacturers need to get a lot more competitive in order to compete with large scale Chinese factories.
However Indian manufacturing is still dominated by SMEs, and this means that the path to competitiveness needs more innovative solutions, and TranZact is one such company that is helping Indian SMEs to be more effective and efficient.
Ritesh Kumar had worked for a couple of years in investment banking after graduating from IIT Kharagpur when he decided to build his own enterprise. He was solving for the Fitness Industry when he realized that his original plan was not scalable.
While sitting with a client for his original idea, he saw a problem with the manufacturing industry which was using older systems and tools and realized how ERP will help. While ERP was extensively being used in the larger setups, designing something for SMEs and family owned businesses was what he thought he could do and so he did!
He talks to Akshay Datt about
Identifying the right problem to solve as a founder
The journey of getting your pricing right as a saas founder
‘Less is more’ approach of product building - focus on what really matters to your customers
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Until the next founder's thesis📕,
Your host, AD